Page 6 - Thammasat-Connect-No.1
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HIGHLIGHT                                                                                                                                                                            HIGHLIGHT

          Rector Gasinee of Thammasat

          appointed as EFMD Board of Trustees,

          the one and only representative from

          Thailand and ASEAN

             In  July  2021,  Associate  Professor  Gasinee
          Witoonchart, the Rector of Thammasat University,
          was appointed as the first Thai board member to
          the Board of Trustees of the European Foundation
          for Management Education (EFMD). The organization,
          recognized globally as a major accreditation body
          for “EQUIS” for business schools, is influential in
          setting  the  direction  of  studies  in  international
          business  administration.  After  receiving  the
          prestigious appointment, the Rector co-hosted a
          virtual seminar with EFMD and Thai PBS entitled
          “Thammasat and EFMD Seminars on Partnerships
          for SGDs” in November 2021 to promote the EFMD
          presence in the ASEAN region and to showcase
          the EFMD “Excellence in Practice (EiP) Awards”.
             Prior  to  her  appointment,  the  Thammasat
          Business School had achieved the distinction of

                                                        being  awarded  the  “Triple  Crown”  from  three  of
                                                        the  world’s  preeminent  accreditation  bodies  for
                                                        educational  standards,  a  feat  that  only  1%  of
                                                        business  schools  attain.  These  three  bodies  are
                                                        the  EFMD,  the  AACSB  (Association  to  Advance
                                                        Collegiate Schools of Business) in the United States,
                                                        and the AMBA (Association of MBAs) in the United

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